Rates and Terms

My rate is $80 per hour, with a $150 first hour and minimum labor charge.

This first hour rate is only applied once to work grouped together (not necessarily each visit or day).  At this time I do not charge for travel time to / from your site except for material pick-ups, or unless specifically arranged otherwise .  

I carry full liability insurance with $2 million in coverage.

At this time, I am only doing projects on a Time and Materials basis.

This means that, once hired, my time spent devoted to your project, whether on-site or off-site, is billable time and all direct costs of your project which I cover are reimbursed / billable with the up-charge listed below. It also means that I do not give quotes on the total cost of projects, however I can generally give estimates on work.

Materials that I purchase for projects are up-charged 20%. Generally I prefer that clients purchase substantial items for their projects to keep costs down.

This mark-up covers my overhead costs for things like fuel / travel expenses which I do not directly or otherwise charge for.  Trips for materials are billable time and will be minimized as much as practical.

Payment is due immediately, in full, at the time of project completion / receipt of invoice. 

For jobs totaling 40 hours or more or spanning more than 1 week, partial payments are due after each 40 hrs of work, or after one week, whichever comes first.

At the latest, reimbursement for materials / direct costs is due on the same schedule as billable hours, with copies / pictures of receipts provided as requested.  It is preferred that substantial material costs which I cover be reimbursed as soon as practical.

As applicable, there may be a “Miscellaneous Materials” charge, typically of ~ $15, for minor supplies I have stocked like painter’s tape, sand paper, paper towels, mineral spirits, etc. 

If used or substantially degraded, consumable items (like saw blades, caulking, etc.) that I have in stock may be charged to a job without an associated receipt (paid for previously) and charged at the current local rate (plus up-charge).

Invoices will be emailed within two days of work completion, as requested. Payment is preferred in cash, Venmo, or check.